Patrick Cheesecake Patrick Cheesecake

A Helena Horse Rescue Raises $4,000 To Buy Potato Chips For All Montana Horses

An unnamed Helena horse rescue has raised $4,000 dollars in hopes to help save a group of elderly horses by feeding them potato chips. “We plan to feed potato chips to all Montana horses! I am the only person with the knowledge and skills to take care of horses properly!” Karren Wetpooh, the owner of the rescue stated on her Facebook page.

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Bear Paw Bear Paw

Bear Paw Takes Two Months Off Trying to Come Up with New Funny Nickname for Bullock

“I’ve been the head editor of the Bear paw since its creation earlier this year. I went to Montana Tech and got a major in technical writing, and with all my experience I could not come up with a funny name. Bullcock or Ball-lock? I mean it’s close to something, but its nothing, but I can sense there’s something there.” Ryan Buttscratch commented to Thomas over a morning cup of joe in the breakroom.

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Patrick Cheesecake Patrick Cheesecake

Bullock's State Budget Proposal Includes 49 Big Mouth Billy Basses

This Monday, Montana Governor Steve Bullock answered questions from the press in response to his proposed 2021 fiscal budget. The majority of the press conference was spent discussing the inclusion of the state purchasing 49 Big Mouth Billy Basses with taxpayer money.

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Paul ID Sturgeon Paul ID Sturgeon

Exclusive Interview With Teddy Roosevelt’s Ghost On New ND Presidential Library

Eastern Mt. Mystics, though usually reclusive recently emerged and revealed their use of a beer bottle depicting Teddy Roosevelt in Evil Knievel's suite charging in in the back of an El Camino to channel the Ghost of Teddy Roosevelt and make inquiry of North Dakotas recently announced plans to build his presidential library in Medora ND.

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Bear Paw Bear Paw

Quiz: What Montana Town Are You?

We here at the Bear Paw think we know Montana towns pretty well, at least there stereotypes. What Montana Town are you based on these stereotypes? Well take our f**ing quiz to find out!

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Ryan Buttscratch Ryan Buttscratch

Helena High Students Forced to Start Fires At Home Due to Covid-19

Helena High Students who enjoy starting fires on school property now have to resort to lighting fires at home due to new Covid-19 procedures. A new policy states that Helena students are required to start at least one fire at their home per semester, although more are encouraged by school administration.

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Thomas Bearclaw Thomas Bearclaw

Gov Bullock “Fairly Confident” Wildfires Not Caused By His New MixTape

“Listen Linda, I can’t be certain that my hot rhymes didn’t start this nasty fire, sometimes my bars are just too hot. But I’m fairly confident and have been told by my legal team that I should state that there is no relationship between the two no matter how cool it sounds!” Bullock responded to the press while looking at his legal team in the corner.

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Bear Paw Bear Paw

Top 5 Romantic Date Spots in Montana

Dating in Montana can be hard. There isn’t a lot of places to go and if your looking to do something special for your significant other you might not have anywhere new to take them. No fear the staff at the Bear Paw have sat down and scratched our heads and butts coming up with the top five places you can take your loved ones.

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Ryan Buttscratch Ryan Buttscratch

New Evidence Shows Paul Bunyan Used Old Faithful as Bidet

“We all know that Paul Buyan cared about his cleanliness, the man would not shut up about how clean his buttocks was. To the point where it became uncomfortable to have a conversation with him according to historic texts.” Dr. Dungleberry an archaeologist from Yale commented to the press.

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Patrick Cheesecake Patrick Cheesecake

NBC Montana Debuts New Streaming Service for 2020 Campaign Ads

NBC Montana debuted a new streaming service this Wednesday morning for fans of 2020 campaign ads. The service was unveiled on NBC Montana morning shows Wednesday morning. The service is available online for the competitive price of $24.99 a month.

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