A Helena Horse Rescue Raises $4,000 To Buy Potato Chips For All Montana Horses

An unnamed Helena horse rescue has raised $4,000 dollars in hopes to help save a group of elderly horses by feeding them potato chips. “We plan to feed potato chips to all Montana horses! I am the only person with the knowledge and skills to take care of horses properly!” Karren Wetpooh, the owner of the rescue stated on her Facebook page. 

“I’m a simple girl, I see a horse and I smother it with love, even if it's not requested by the horse or its owners!” Karen screamed at a rancher when he politely asked her to leave his ranch. “It’s a scientific fact that horses love potato chips.” 

A local veterinarian who wishes to remain anonymous for her family's safety due to Karren’s Facebook threats stated that potato chips are not a healthy food for horses. “Look a small bite or two most likely won't hurt an adult horse, but the high amount of potato chips she is feeding these horses can cause serious gastrointestinal distress, especially on the older horses she is trying to save. In simpler terms, this bitch be trippin.”

One rancher questioned her on Facebook asking her, “Why did you sneak on my ranch to cover my horses in blankets, feed them potato chips and take pictures of your staff and my horses for your Facebook page?” Karren responded immediately with “private property and scientific facts are the number one enemy to a horse's health. I will burn all those who try to stop me from feeding their horse’s my favorite snack.”

“I urge everyone in the Helena area to call the sheriff department and complain about any horses they see not eating potato chips! I can’t see a better use of tax spender money than to spend it on getting horses the care they need.” Karren currently is hosting several fundraisers via Facebook to help her support other horses she doesn’t own like “Bo Jack Horseman” and the “My Little Pony” group. She promises the money will be used to help cause more trouble for normal ranches and horse owners across the state.

Patrick Cheesecake

Missoula Born, Montana Raised, Lactose Intolerant.


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