NBC Montana Debuts New Streaming Service for 2020 Campaign Ads

NBC Montana debuted a new streaming service this Wednesday morning for fans of 2020 campaign ads. The service was unveiled on NBC Montana morning shows Wednesday morning. The service is available online for the competitive price of $24.99 a month.

“There's a strong market out there for people who love to watch Montana campaign ads and we wanted to give that to the people,” Joshua Bigbrain a NBC Montana executive wrote in a press release. “We have something for everyone, attack ads, old women talking about why they trust a politician, old women talking about why they don’t trust a politician anymore and of course commercials about rural hospitals.”

“Sure I see a lot of ads on Facebook and at least three on every video on Youtube, but now I can watch them to my heart's content.” Georgia Giggles, a Helena woman commented to the Bear Paw.

“I think the major selling point will be the corona-virus genre tab. Where people can watch Daines blame China and Bullock talk about how well he handled the corona-virus pandemic! No matter which side you fall on we got you covered with hours of content to keep you distracted and in no way sway your political opinion.” Bigbrain replied to a Facebook comment asking “Why?”.

Montana Max Plus currently has yet to be approved for Roku or Amazon Tv’s but currently ranks number 4 on the AOL app store and is the most popular streaming service for individuals in the 60-80 year old age group. 

Patrick Cheesecake

Missoula Born, Montana Raised, Lactose Intolerant.


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