New Report Shows More Breweries Opened than Covid Cases in Montana
Montana has confirmed another 48 Covid-19 cases this week, and has confirmed that 69 breweries have opened in the last week in Bozeman alone. The study was conducted by the CDC with help by Montana State University.
“Our research shows that you are more likely to open a craft brewery than get Covid-19.” Dr. Al Coholic stated in his blog the “The Viral Brew”.
According to the report every county of Montana has been affected by the brewery pandemic. “I think it’s sick as hell”, commented Bullock to a passerby as he walked out of a brewery and got into his car to drive to one of his drinking holes.
Dr. Coholic says he believes the reason for the increase in breweries is due to the limited amount of the liquor licenses in Montana.
Kevin Soulpatch, the owner of Hip-Hopps & Jazz, a brewery located in Missoula, commented that “breweries are the lifeblood of Montana. I’m not worried about the competition, the more breweries that open up the better. People get drunk and they drink everywhere.”
Dr. Coholic commented to the press “Montana has a drinking problem, but Montana doesn’t see it that way. They don’t care about Covid, they like to see the cup as half full, half full of booze. They down the glass and get a refill.”
The Bear Paw staff itself is planning on opening a brewery and I can confirm that no alcohol was consumeed while rigting the article you readong ajdjad aidjakd jfjalda..