Civil and Productive Argument Takes Place in Great Falls Walmart Parking Lot

On a hot August day in Great Falls, a 40 year old republican man had a civil and productive disagreement with a 22 year old democratic socialist on the topic of police brutality. 

“I listened to what she had to say, and I did disagree with her, but I heard her points and she heard mine.” Craig Whiteman said to a reporter who reached out to him on the amazing story.

“I think it was close to about an hour. I couldn’t disagree with him more, but we both kept the conversation civil.” Courtney Pumpkunspoice recalled on her instagram story.

Many eyewitnesses surrounded the confrontation at the beginning. “We all surrounded to see what was going to happen. I mean Walmart parking lots have the best physical confrontations and with sports being limited this season, you got to be where the action happens. Unfortunately they were both super nice to each other and like respected one another. It was weird.” Jimmy James Jameson recalled to the Bear Paw and informed us that the group of spectators left the argument to go watch one of the other five fights taking place in the parking lot at the time.

“The action that took place at the Walmart Supercenter this last week is a radical moment not only in our state history, countries history but a momentum moment in humanities history. The brave actions of these two individuals brings us one step closer to world peace.” President Trump tweeted the morning following the incident.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists have moved the doomsday clock from a 100 seconds to midnight to an hour from midnight following the Walmart conversation. The furthest the clock has been from midnight before this moment was in 1991 at the conclusion of the Cold War.

Ryan Buttscratch

Head Editor. Nephew of founder, definitely not nepotism.


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