Bullock's State Budget Proposal Includes 49 Big Mouth Billy Basses

This Monday, Montana Governor Steve Bullock answered questions from the press in response to his proposed 2021 fiscal budget. The majority of the press conference was spent discussing the inclusion of the state purchasing 49 Big Mouth Billy Basses with taxpayer money.

“I made myself a promise when I first became governor of this dope state. That was that there would be a Big Mouth Billy Bass in every state capitol building across the United States. On my first day I cemented a Big Mouth Billy onto a load bearing wall in the governor's office.” Bullock started the press conference speaking about a childhood dream of his that he hoped to enact before he left the governor's office.

“Listen, 49 might sound like a lot but it’s really not, it’s less than fifty and fifty isn’t even half of a hundred! I saved the state a lot of money by using the amazon website to get us free two day delivery, I also used the discount code Rogan10 to receive a ten percent discount off my order.” Bullock demonstrated his “Billy Bass” by pressing a red button located at the bottom of a wooden plaque, resulting in a song being played. “I mean come on! Who doesn’t love that!” Bullock stated before breaking down into a childish giggle. 

“Look the country is really divided right now, but I worked with both democrats and republicans not because that's my job as an elected official, but because I’m bipartisan and everyone should remember that when they vote this November. I think these singing fish will unite the country and will bring us closer to world peace!” Bullock concluded his press conference by jumping on a longboard and doing a successful kickflip after three unsuccessful attempts.

Patrick Cheesecake

Missoula Born, Montana Raised, Lactose Intolerant.


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