Thomas Bearclaw Thomas Bearclaw

Gov. Bullock to Change State Name to New Cali

Governor Bullock announced that he plans to rename the state to “New Cali” in front of a redesigned state welcome sign. Bullock only gave a short statement explaining the change, “I think the name is sick as hell”. Bullock finished his short press conference by jumping on a scooter and riding into Idaho.

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Patrick Cheesecake Patrick Cheesecake

WARNING: Mysterious Chinese Seeds Grow Piranha Plants

Mysterious packages containing “unknown seeds” are arriving across the state this week. Return addresses for these packages have Chinese addresses. The Department of Agriculture has warned those who have received packages to not plant them.

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Ryan Buttscratch Ryan Buttscratch

The Town of Hamilton Has Been Cancelled

"At first it was confusion between the two, but I'm willing to keep digging the hole deeper. Any town that shares a name with an offensive musical that celebrates America, must be erased from history.”

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Ryan Buttscratch Ryan Buttscratch

City Officials Vote to Rename Bozeman to Less Sexist Name

“The protests were highly attended by women but that's not all we did to show our disdain for the name. We also hosted basket weaving classes and it was a shame they never caught on,” stated Jennifer Saggytits, a Hillary Clinton supporter.

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Patrick Cheesecake Patrick Cheesecake

Missoula Wizard Claims He “Will Save Montana from the Coronavirus”

At Bonner Park in Missoula, Arudalf the Great spoke to a crowd of ten people from atop a picnic table. “I have studied the powers gifted to me by an elvic king and the lady of the Bitterroot. As a level 9 red mage I have the ability to cast a plus twelve health potion and after reading the ancient scrolls of wave magic. I can use this orb I purchased at Miz Con to cast a healing spell that will cure all of Montana.”

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Ryan Buttscratch Ryan Buttscratch

Champ the Bobcat Enters Montana Governor Race

“First off I would make MSU the official state college. There is also a desperate need for a concession booth in the capitol building. I would also make both parties argue their point with a dance battle. I feel that it's the best form of debate.”

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Thomas Bearclaw Thomas Bearclaw

Gov. Bullock Orders Citizens to Wear Tuxedo T-Shirts

The order is effective immediately in all counties and will be in effect until Bullock says so. The directive requires all businesses and private residences to enforce the ruling. Employers, family and friends are required to bully and accost those who do not follow the order.

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