City Officials Vote to Rename Bozeman to Less Sexist Name
After months of marches and protests in downtown Bozeman city officials have voted to rename the city of Bozeman.
Protesters and residents of the Montana city have claimed the name is sexist and is mentally and physically harming female residents. A feminist group in the town formerly known as Bozeman have been collecting signatures and holding peaceful marches for the past two months.
“The protests were highly attended by women but that's not all we did to show our disdain for the name. We also hosted basket weaving classes and it was a shame they never caught on,” stated Jennifer Saggytits, a Hillary Clinton supporter.
"The patriarchy likes to sneak words like man or men into important names documents or songs to show women as inferior. We can no longer allow the history of Montana to be determined by men," commented protest organizer Sally Vulva. “I’m glad we were able to initiate change but our work is far from over. We won’t be happy until Whitefish, Stevensville and White Sulphur Spring also rename their sexist and racist names.”
A male protester and MSU student stated that "I'm just here to get laid".
“As a woman I know the name is definitely sexist but I also think it’s part of our history and should be preserved,” stated Gina Pads, at a town forum. Gina was then shouted down by protesters and escorted out by four antifa members. She could not be reached for further comment.
The city will remain unnamed until next Friday where a special election will decide the new name. Although the ballot is completely write-in, several names being campaigned are gaining steam in the community. Front runners currently include Bozewoman, Swag City, Boznonbinary and some residents have called for the name Boobsman, that celebrates both men and women.