Champ the Bobcat Enters Montana Governor Race

This Tuesday on the second floor of the Montana capitol building, Champ the Bobcat filed his paperwork to run for Montana governor. The Montana State University mascot filed one day before the deadline as an independent candidate.

“I’m tired of living in a state ruled by men. Montana should be ruled by wild animals. There are more wild animals per capita than people and my first act as governor will be giving them the right to vote.” Champ the Bobcat commented to the press outside the capitol building. 

This isn’t the first time Champ the Bobcat will hold a public office. Champ the Bobcat has previously held the position of RA in McDonel Hall and has been elected president of cheer at MSU. 

“I’m a strong supporter of animal rights, higher education, wildlife conservation, and starting a mean crowd wave.” Champ the Bobcat went on to state more policy he would want to implement if elected. “First off I would make MSU the official state college. There is also a desperate need for a concession booth in the capitol building. I would also make both parties argue their point with a dance battle. I feel that it's the best form of debate.”

Republican nominee Greg Gianforte welcomed Champ to the race in a tweet following the announcement. “The race just got a bit more wild. Welcome to the race Champ!” Democratic nominee, and U of M alumni Mike Cooney couldn’t be reached for comment.

Ryan Buttscratch

Head Editor. Nephew of founder, definitely not nepotism.


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